2008年10月30日 星期四

榮老總與比散戶更廢 ?

中信泰富榮老總輸係 i kill you later 達到150億,真正贏粒糖輸間廠,枉逗6000萬年薪,牛頭角順嫂都無佢輸甘多,完全唔識止蝕............ 好彩無賣,我都係鍾意誠哥多d ,起碼個人醒少少。

又不得不讚銀行做生意的高明,今次匯豐及法巴對賭先輸頭round 之後技術擊倒中信泰富,証明生意睇長少少,一日未完場唔好甘快下定論,話唔定贏番之前輸個d 啦

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This is not a paid review and I think it is a pretty good website to share with you all about this Updown.com website.

If you’re not really a single stock buyer and seldom keep up with what individual stocks are doing in the market and would like to LEARN and INVEST in stock market with ZERO RISK of financial loss, this website is for you. It is the free investment platform to practice investing and to collaborate with others who share their stock investment experiences and etc.

You will have $1,000,000 virtual money to start the investment. You can start your own investing group or join the existing group to discuss any investing experiences (e.g. investment strategies, stock picks, give your opinion about why certain stocks are under or well perform and etc.). In fact, you can also write your own review to earn REAL money out of it.

I hope you will find this useful. I will use this website as my learning opportunity in stocks and keep in mind that is virtual. In someday later, we should start playing a real game as soon as possible. I don't think you want to stuck in the virtual stock market forever. Happy stock investing!