2009年3月8日 星期日


(2) 當市勢向下的時候,追沽的價位永遠不是太低。
(3) 在投資時緊記使用止蝕盤以免招巨損。
(4) 在順勢買賣,切忌逆勢。
(5) 在投資組合中,使用去弱留強的方法維持獲利能力。

至於入市點如何決定,江恩的方法非常傳統:在趨勢確認後纔入市是最為安全的。 在市勢向上時,市價見底回升,出現第一個反彈,之後會有調整,當市價無力破底而轉頭向上,上破第一次反彈的高點的時候,便是最安全的買入點。止蝕位方面,則可設於調整浪底之下。 在市勢向下時,市介見頂回落,出現第一次下跌,之後市價反彈,成為第二個較低的頂,當市價再下破第一次下跌的底部時,便是最安全的沽出點,止蝕位可設於第二個較低的頂部之上。

2009年2月9日 星期一


雖然近日股票、信賃市場有所回暖,但市場盛傳英國及韓國債務有爆破危機。英國分別要負擔Northern Rock、RBS、Lloyds等債務,形成債務評級被調低,借貸成本會上升。

2009年2月5日 星期四




美元近20年最大跌浪始於911前夕 ( 2001.7.31 報121.02 ) ,由於當時科網爆破,聯儲局將利息降低到1%,令到美匯形成雙頂,之後一瀉如注,直到 2008.3.9 美匯 71.58 才在 70-80 徘徊。次按爆發、雷曼兄弟破產、拯救AIG、8500億bailout 方案沒有影響美元強力反彈,直到92 附近又下降。2008年12月後美匯指數再次向上,如果破86.8 阻力相信會再戰92 以上。 ( 圖1)

很多分析認為美元會因為大量印鈔拯救經濟而不值一文,事實上美元因為全世界需要避險而得到穩定,所有投資者認為美元or 美債係而家最安全投資,相信就算金價(圖2) 近期重回升軌,沒有預視美元會大幅走低,相反金價若破不了930美元頂位,好可能升勢又會告一段落,2009年請不要大低估美元啊!!

2009年2月3日 星期二

TED spread

The TED spread is the difference between the interest rates on interbank loans and short-term U.S. government debt ("T-bills"). Initially, the TED spread was the difference between the interest rates for three-month U.S. Treasuries contracts and the three-month Eurodollars contract as represented by the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR). However, since the Chicago Mercantile Exchange dropped T-bill futures, the TED spread is now calculated as the difference between the three-month T-bill interest rate and three-month LIBOR. TED is an acronym formed from T-Bill and ED, the ticker symbol for the Eurodollar futures contract. The size of the spread is usually denominated in basis points (bps). For example, if the T-bill rate is 5.10% and ED trades at 5.50%, the TED spread is 40 bps. The TED spread fluctuates over time, but historically has often remained within the range of 10 and 50 bps (0.1% and 0.5%), until 2007. A rising TED spread often presages a downturn in the U.S. stock market, as it indicates that liquidity is being withdrawn. Indicator The TED spread is an indicator of perceived credit risk in the general economy. This is because T-bills are considered risk-free while LIBOR reflects the credit risk of lending to commercial banks. When the TED spread increases, that is a sign that lenders believe the risk of default on interbank loans (also known as counterparty risk) is increasing. Interbank lenders therefore demand a higher rate of interest, or accept lower returns on safe investments such as T-bills. When the risk of bank defaults is considered to be decreasing, the TED spread decreases.The long term average of the TED has been 30 basis points with a maximum of 50 bps. During 2007, the subprime mortgage crisis ballooned the TED spread to a region of 150-200 bps. On September 17, 2008, the record set after the Black Monday crash of 1987 was broken as the TED spread exceeded 300 bps. Some higher readings for the spread were due to inability to obtain accurate LIBOR rates in the absence of a liquid unsecured lending market. On October 10, 2008, the TED spread reached another new high of 465 basis points.

2009年1月30日 星期五



從摩根大通報告估計,成交變動一成對每股盈利有12%影響。2009年1月日均成交為480億,因此預測盈利為每股 3.68元。如果成交為400億,盈利會跌至2.97 元。以股價68元計,400億成交,預測P/E是22.9。而480億成交,預測P/E 測為18.48。由於1月份受美國新總統上任及振興經濟方案幫助,1月成交才止跌回升。展望日後成交不樂觀,傾向盈利會下跌,如果真的只有400 億甚至更低既成交,港交所股價將有下降空間。
